My Ugly Garden

My Ugly Garden

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bringing Out the Big Guns

I finally did it.  I bought a soil testing kit.

This is not an endorsement of a particular brand of kit, it's just the only one Ace Hardware had on hand.  After so many frustrating growing seasons I decided that it would be in my best interest to find out what the heck is going on with my soil.  There are two types of test kits one can purchase: the pH test alone, which is about five bucks and the deluxe package that tests pH, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorous which was about $18.  I was tempted to go the cheap route, but I am sure glad that I didn't.  Here is why:

The results of the pH test show acceptable pH levels. Had I gone with the single pH test I would have had to get back into my car, at this point, and drive back down to my Ace Hardware and buy the deluxe kit so I could test for other deficiencies. Now that we know that pH isn't an issue, Sophia helps me with the other tests.  Notice the intense concentration.....

Flashback to high school chemistry class....

And the winner is.......

Ok, no real winner, but super interesting results. According to the trusty color coded "comparator" (I wonder is that is trademarked by the kit maker), the potassium levels are sufficient, phosphorous is depleted and, the real kicker, zero levels of nitrogen.  I will admit to having a limited knowledge of soil composition, but I do know that nitrogen is pretty key if you want to grow anything.

We only tested one area of the garden, so we will need to pull some samples from a couple of other places, but my guess is that we will come up with similar results.  The two big lessons learned here are: Spring for the deluxe kit. Had I done this years ago, I would have saved a lot of money and frustration. And two: Compost isn't always enough.  We have composted for years and dug it deep into the veggie beds, but if the soil is poor to begin with it will need an extra boost.  So, it is off to get some nitrogen into the Ugly!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Lone Blade

Ok, it's official: I have a black thumb.   I'm not sure when this happened.  When I was a kid I was able to grow things, but the above picture is the ultimate insult.  About a couple of weeks ago I thought it would be a nice project for the kids if we grew some grass for our Spring nature table.  No brainer, right?  A tray, some potting soil and grass seed.  Well, as you can see I have exactly 1 blade of grass out of the handfuls the kids dumped in. It would have been easier if no grass came up.  In all actuality, though, I find this very funny, a whole commentary on my gardening skills embodied in the lone blade.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm still here!

Wow, it’s been awhile.  I can’t believe the Holidays have come and gone and here we are getting ready for Spring.  I haven’t spent much time in the Ugly lately.  Our very wet winter has gave me a very bad excuse to stay indoors.  So, last weekend, in an attempt to beat the winter doldrums, we headed over to the Pacific Orchid Expo in San Francisco.  What a feast for the eyes!  

Above the crowd at the Pacific Orchid Expo

The butterfly wings were animated and Daniel was trying to figure out if they were real or not. 

More award winners

I hope you enjoyed the lovely photos my husband took of these beautiful flowers. 

In other news from the Ugly:  Over the holidays we decided that we would homeschool our children in the fall.  This decision does not come lightly and I have spent the last several months doing my due diligence in preparing for my new career as a grade school teacher.  As a result I am also considering expanding the focus of this blog to include this new aspect of our lives. Exciting changes are ahead and I hope you will join me for the ride!  Have a great weekend.